Monday, September 14, 2015

Discovering Superfood, Quinoa

I finally opened that box of Quinoa (pronounced as kee-nwa) from last Christmas' gift basket. I thought it was a fuss to prepare and I'm not keen about alternative grains because like any other pinoys out there, I'm a certified rice lover. Nothing comes close to the satisfaction you get from eating rice especially when comes with your favorite viand. But I was quite surprised how easy it was to prepare quinoa in a rice cooker and it taste almost like rice too, except for that hint of nutty flavor. It's kinda cross between toasted brown rice and corn grits in texture except that it's round.

I had this together with mixed grains (oats, brown rice, white rice, corn), low meat and low fat diet and I went back to my 120 lbs. from 128 lbs. in less than a month. Of course with simple yoga and cardio. I actually don't measure the grains I ate. It was the usual amount.

Uncooked quinoa.

In fact, quinoa is unlike any other grain I came across so far, it's actually called a pseudo-grain or a false grain. It's more of a seed than a grain and it is related to other healthy veggies like beetroot and spinach. Plus it is surprisingly high in nutritional value. Here's what I found out:

  • Quinoa is renowned for its protein content. Although it's not that high in amount, the type of the protein it has is as good as the ones found in meat. It actually has the perfect balance of all of the nine amino acids that are important for human nutrition. You rarely find that in plant foods. Which means quinoa is perfect for those who are on a no-meat or low-meat diet. The protein likewise helps you improve your metabolism allowing your body to break down foods efficiently.  
  • It's low in calories but high in fiber than any other grains. Perfect for those who are trying to lose or to maintain their weight. The high fiber content that quinoa has makes you feel full and reduces your appetite meaning you’ll be less likely to binge on sweets and other junk food. A cup contains only 20 calories and 4 grams of fat. 
  • Not only fiber keeps your bowel movements regular, it actually keeps the heart healthy too by reducing the risk of developing diabetes and helping reduce your blood pressure. It even lowers cholesterol and helps manage levels of glucose in your blood.
  • What's more, it's full of antioxidants than any other grains. Antioxidants helps prevent aging and allows our bodies to live healthier longer. 
  • It has low GI or glycemic index. When you eat foods that have high GI, your body feels the need to eat more. However, the lower it is, the less likely you will continue to feel hungry after eating. Low GI is also helpful in maintaining blood sugar level and preventing type 2 diabetes. A good substitute for rice.
  • Its gluten free so it's safe for people who have gluten related disorders like celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS)
  • It's versatile. Goes well with any dish whether its salad, main dish or even dessert. 

This is cooked quinoa,

In my case, I tried combining and cooking rice and quinoa together in a 1:1 ratio. 

This is what it looks like. 50-50 rice-quinoa. The viand on the pic is homemade Vegetarian Giniling using Red Mill's TVP.

Nutrition chart courtesy of

  • All the healthy benefits I mentioned above. 

  • Super duper expensive. About P500.00 ++ per pound. *shocking smiley face here*
  • I just found that out after I went to Healthy Options to check it out. I mean if it's that healthy and beneficial, I wish someone can try to produce it cost effectively or even locally for everyone to afford and avail.

  • Hmm. Budget-wise, I'd rather look for an alternative. I'll spend it on other food that can yield more for my family. Too expensive.

There are various brands to choose from. 
Available at:
Healthy Options
Rustan's Supermarket
Metro Ayala Supermarket
Other health food stores


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