Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Recipe: Fried Buttermilk Biscuits

I was curious on how it tastes like. We normally don't make these in our kitchen. I'm still used to making plain old pancake for breakfast, which according to my daughter, how these biscuits taste like except for being crunchy on the outside and without the vanilla flavoring. This version is fried instead of baked but don't be turned off by the grease. You can prevent the biscuits from absorbing too much oil by frying them in moderately hot oil and drain them in a sieve lined with paper towels. I got this recipe on YouTube and rewriting this here with a few tweaks.

Fried Buttermilk Biscuits

  • Cooking oil for deep frying.
  • 2 cups All purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons Baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 cup water (adjust accordingly since different branded flours have different water absorption)

  1. In a deep pan, heat about a 3 inch deep of cooking oil.
  2. In a bowl, sift all the dry ingredients.
  3. Slowly add the water half cup at a time and stir until it's thick and well incorporated.
  4. The mixture should resemble like a thicker version of a pancake batter.
  5. When the oil starts to smoke a little, test a small drop of batter in it. It should sizzle and crisp up in a short amount of time. Remove the test batter.
  6. Drop the batter in the hot oil by spoonful. I used a large serving spoon so my biscuits would be bigger than a normal spoon.
  7. The batter should brown within 2 minutes then flip them over slowly using tongs or 2 spatulas to prevent splashing of the hot oil. Expect the biscuit to puff up and rise.
  8. When both sides are evenly browned, transfer them to a big sieve lined with paper towels or a dish lined with paper towels.
  9. Brush with butter an glaze with honey if you want them.
  10. Altenatively, you can serve this with fried chicken and gravy. These round crunchy things are perfect for mopping up those savoury gravy off the plate.

Happy eats!

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