Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Ilog Maria Honeybee Farm and Bee Propolis

With the recent smog and haze environment issue going on, our family has been having cough and colds lately. Although we have been resilient to major illnesses that requires hospitalisation for the past year (knock on wood) we can't avoid the current health epidemics we are facing right now. And oftentimes, we really need to expose ourselves outside because we need to work, bring the kids to school, do shopping errands and other important daily routines. And when we do get sick, not only we are concerned of what kind of medications we have to take but the rising cost of health care as well. Prevention is one of the keys to avoid this. By taking care of ourselves and our family by eating right, taking enough vitamins, practicing good hygiene, exercise and avoiding stress (which is impossible these days), we can always put a stop to an illness or at least prevent it from aggravating further. 

My sister has four kids under 10 years old. Every mom knows that if one gets sick, the rest will automatically follow as well. Unless you quarantine your sick kid to another house, or if you can afford it, in a hospital until he or she gets well. Of course not everyone can do that. Anyway, my sister, like me, hates to use antibiotics and strong synthetic medications to our kids and she discovered the benefits of using bee propolis as probiotic to prevent colds, coughs and even fever, flu and sometimes tonsillitis too. CCFFT (hehe. I coined this myself) is my personal acronym for Cough, Colds, Fever, Flu and Tonsillitis which are the very common childhood illnesses ever since and that is why I chose to have a pediatric pulmunologist as my kids' doctor of choice. She also agrees in using probiotics as one of the preventive measures in CCFFT. 

I'm writing this with discretion because I find the Bee Propolis, per se, effective as probiotic instead of antibiotics. This is the only safest, non- toxic, natural and organic substitute for synthetic antibiotics especially if you are allergic to penicillin and other antibiotics. Please consult your physician if you plan to take this or especially if you plan to use this on small children. 

There are bee products from Forever Living that also claims the same benefits (and I have actually used them before) but today, I'll be discussing about the bee products that I got from Ilog Maria Website. Ilog Maria sells products with nutritive and healing qualities of honey, pollen, beeswax, propolis and royal jelly. They have been around since 1994 and have been blogged so many times for their effective products.

I bought mostly healthcare products there like the Honey and Propolis Throat Spray which is very effective for CCFFT. You have to spray it on your throat and tonsils on the first sign of coughs or colds. It miraculously stops the next day or so. I discarded the spray months ago since it expires within six months upon purchase. Ilog Maria packs their products fresh once you order and doesn't use synthetic preservatives in their products. That is why I bought Propolis Gold which lasts longer up to a year if stored in the refrigerator. I take a few drops in the morning on an empty stomach for maintenance. I actually don't need for the spray if I have this. Most effective for coughs, colds, influenza, fever, asthma, arthritis, rheumatism and hypertension. It's a powerful anti-oxidant that strengthens the immune system that fights bacteria, viruses and fungi. If you do get sick and you're fighting the onset of infection, this is the best time to take the propolis in above-mentioned doses every hour until symptoms alleviate. You will be surprised on how fast this happens.

Propolis comes from the bees itself. Etymology of word itself means "in defence of the city" in Greek. Bees coat their entire beehives with this in order to defend themselves from bacteria, fungi, viruses and intruders. Its like part of their hive's immune system. If one bee gets sick, it would infect the others in the hive if it weren't for the propolis. If an intruder, say an insect is caught and stung in the hive, the bees cover it with propolis in order to "sanitise and embalm" it.  The perfectly mummified intruder is perfectly preserved without decay. In fact, history dates back in Egypt and Rome where the use propolis to preserve their mummies. I know, it's morbid to illustrate its effectiveness this way but the facts and scientific studies have been established and found true.

Ilog Maria Propolis Gold  | Small 45 ml. at P121.00 each

I recently purchased Frozen Royal Jelly for stress & anxiety relief, inducing relaxation and deep sleep. It claims to feed glands with live amino acids to stimulate endocrine system and balance your body’s hormones. It is rich in  estradiol, a major estrogen functioning as the primary female sex hormone, this  substance is commonly known to be effective in treating women who have problems with their menstruation such as abnormal cycle, pain, discomfort, and fatigue. It is also known as nature´s best rejuvenator,  retards cell deterioration, slows down ageing process, oxidizes blood and promotes rapid tissue growth & repair. Aids fertility, alleviates impotence, clears digestive tract and speed up cell metabolism. It also absorbs directly into skin where it heals and rejuvenates. It is also excellent for inducing rapid growth and mental capacity in children.  Ilog Maria Fresh Frozen Royal Jelly is packed fresh from their specially prepared beehives and frozen to preserve its potency.

Royal Jelly is an exclusive food only for the queen bee. It's creamy wax-like substance is specially created only by the worker bees, mixed with honey and pollen to feed the bee larvae who is destined to become the queen bee. The queen bee exclusively feeds only this throughout her entire adult life and lives 8 to 10 times more than the worker bee which life span averages about 2-3 months only. Royal Jelly is precious and rare since it cannot be duplicated synthetically in laboratories because of its complex chemical structure. It is also treasured as a beauty secret of the royalty, it iis believed to be able to nourish the body inside out. Its sought after benefits are extensively associated with healthier skin and hair and more youthful appearance.

Fresh Frozen Royal Jelly | Small 14 grams at P176.00 each

Ilog Maria Bee Farm | Shop Category products in their website include Aromatherapy, Beauty and Skin Care, Beeswax Products, Health Products, Household Products, Natural Handmade Soaps, Personal Care and Spa Products. They also have Bee Farm Tour Packages and offers Bee Sting Therapy. 

Below are some of the products that I have personally used and found effective.

Photo from

HONEY & PROPOLIS THROAT SPRAY- Tastes sweet and soothing to the throat. Effective like it says.


Breath Freshener & Bacteriostatic Throat & Mouth Spray. Made from ILOG MARIA Virgin Honey, Propolis Gold & Peppermint / Spearmint Oils.Prevents colds and coughs, even fever/flu, if taken immediately after an "itchy throat" is felt.

Spray twice on tonsils at first sign of a cough or cold. Soothes sore throat and smoker´s cough. Excellent for cold sores or "singaw". Clears itchy throat & hoarse voice fast.

One size at P88.00 each

Photo from
PROPOLIS GOLD- I take a few drops every morning with tepid water. Tastes like honey wine. Because the propolis is mixed with a coconut brandy base. Perfectly safe for kids though.


Bee Propolis Extract. Natural Probiotic & Nature’s Most Powerful Anti-Oxidant. Food grade polypropylene bottle with medical grade wide flip top cap.Bees collect propolis from the flowering buds of a multitude of trees from season to season. Colours, tastes, textures and smells of bee propolis are always different from bloom to bloom.Most effective for coughs, colds, influenza, fever, asthma and rheumatism. 50% solution for super strength. We macerate raw bee propolis in pure coco brandy for not less than a year and up to 2 years to extract all its natural healing qualities.

Take 1 ml _about 1-2  drops then 1 glass of water every morning before breakfast. For kids, you can mix it in their milk or juice. If you are sick: Take 3 times a day

Small 45 ml. at P121.00 each
Large 375 mi at P 1,023.00 each

Photo from
FRESH FROZEN ROYAL JELLY- Thick, creamy, waxy jelly in consistency. Tastes a bit sour with slight bitter aftertaste. Tolerable.  Not really that awful. My picky daughter even finds it yummy.

For stress & anxiety relief; inducing relaxation and deep sleep; feeds glands with live amino acids to stimulate endocrine system and balance your body’s hormones; good as HRT substitute; excellent for inducing rapid growth in children.Nature´s best rejuvenator. Slows down ageing process. Oxidizes blood and promotes rapid tissue growth & repair. Clears your digestive tract. Induces deep restful sleep. Also absorbs directly into skin where it heals and rejuvenates. 

Take 1 scoop (spoon provided) every night before sleeping. Best taken orally under the tongue. Store in chiller for consumption and freezer for storage.


Small 14 grams at P176.00 each
Large 56 grams at P660.00 each

The following photos are from the Facebook page of Ilog Maria:

Other Ilog Maria products. Photo from

Photo from

Photo from
Photo from

Photo from

Pros: Effective, locally made, fresh, organic, no preservatives.
Cons: None so far with the products I'm using right now.

Would I purchase again? Yes. I would also like to try their soaps soon.

Photos Source and Information: 

Online shop at:

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