Thursday, December 21, 2017

Recipe: Burritos and Mock Mojitos

When my son comes home for college break, I usually make a big batch of burritos and store each ingredients (filling, lettuce, shredded cheese, salsa, yoghurt) in separate Lock and Lock™ compartments so he can make himself one whenever he feels like at home.

Meat Filling Ingredients:

  • 1 medium sized onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 1/2 kg. lean ground beef
  • 1 can 300 grams refried beans (I use Rosarita) OR 
  • Soak 1 cup red kidney beans overnight and drain then pressure cook them until soft.
  • Optional: 1 cup rice (to make it more filling)
  • 1 packet Mc Cormick Chili Con Carne Seasoning Mix


  1. Heat oil in a large pan and saute the onions and garlic.
  2. Add the ground beef and cook until browned.
  3. Add the beans and rice.
  4. Dissolve the McCormick Chili con Carne Seasoning mix in 1/4 cup water and pour over the beef-beans-rice mixture. 
  5. Mix well and cook further until the mixture is dry.
  6. Store in Lock and Lock™when cool.

Salsa Ingredients:

  • 3 medium tomatoes , diced
  • 1 roasted green bell pepper, diced
  • 1 small white onion, diced
  • Handful of cilantro, chopped
  • salt and white pepper to taste
  • ripe mangoes, diced (optional)  or avocados, diced (optional)
  • OR you can buy ready made salsa in the grocery (I use Tostito's)

  1. Mix all ingredients and store in Lock and Lock™ or glass jar.


  • I buy ready large made tortilla wraps about 12" in diameter in the grocery. (Bambi brand)
  • When ready to use, heat each wrap over the stove top flame to warm them. 
  • Alternatively, you can up them on top of an ungreased pan or in an oven.
  • Always store unused wraps in a sealed ziplock bags to prevent them from drying up.


  • Shredded Lettuce
  • Grated cheese
  • Sour cream OR
  • Plain yoghurt mixed with salt and garlic powder
  • Lime or Calamansi Slices
  • Sriracha or Tabasco


  • Layer each ingredient in order:
  1. Wrap
  2. Lettuce
  3. Meat filling
  4. Salsa
  5. Cheese
  • Wrap burritos snugly so it stays in shape.
  • Rule in wrapping all kinds of wraps >> Make sure you COVER ALL OF THE FILLINGS in your FIRST FOLD. Or everything else will slip out.

Enjoy with the extras and a glass of Mock Mojitos.


In a mortar and pestle, crush a handful of mint leaves, juice of one calamansi (or a tablespoon of non alcoholic lime cocktail mix) and 1 teaspoon sugar. Add this in a one liter pitcher and include the following:
  • 1 Lime sliced thinly
  • Juice of 10-12 pcs. Calamansi
  • 5 Calamansi sliced thinly for garnish, seeds removed
  • 1/2 cup sugar (or sweetener to taste)
  • Water halfway full
  • Schweppes Soda Water (about 2-3 cans)
Cover and shake. When sugar is dissolved, add ice and Schweppes Soda Water until full.

Mojitos sans Bacardi.

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