Friday, February 14, 2020

Recipe: Stir Fried Mizuna with Ground Beef

I always get what’s abundant, available, fresh and affordable veggies whenever I go to the market. Lately I’ve been spotting a lot of these Japanese Mizuna at the farmer’s market. I bought about 150 grams for P38.00 and it’s a lot. 

Mizuna is native plant to East Asia and also referred to as Japanese mustard green, spider mustard, or konya. 

It is related to other cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, kale, bok choy and brussels sprouts. It has green serrated leaves and edible thin stems with mild piquant, peppery flavor. This can be enjoyed both raw as salad and sautéed or cooked. In Japanese cuisine, they also pickle this as well. This highly nutritious veggie is high in vitamin C, folate, iron and antioxidant called glucosinolates for improved eye, bone and immune health, as well as improved blood clotting and a potentially reduced risk of cancer.

Today I’m adding ground beef to this simple stir fried Mizuna Greens for the kids’ meal for added protein. 


  • 1 small shallot, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 80g lean ground beef
  • 1 small pimiento, diced
  • 1 tsp. soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • 50g Japanese Mizuna, washed dried and cut into 4 inch length
  • 50g chives cut into 4” length (optional, I just happen to have these in the fridge. Make mizuna 100g if not using these. )
  • salt and pepper to taste

Sauté shallots, garlic and pimientos together with the beef and butter. Season beef with soy sauce and cook until browned. Add the greens and stir fry quickly. It takes less than two minutes for the vegetables to cook. Season again with salt and pepper to taste. 

Happy eats! 

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